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Evan Elsley
0402 415 241

Evan is a

  • University Violin teacher
  • Diploma Examiner
  • Eisteddfod Adjudicator
  • Internationally experienced Director of Strings
  • Celebrated Performer on TV, Recordings, Radio, Concerts
  • Specialist in talent research and development
  • Director of Elsley Ensembles P/L





  • Are you told to listen, but do not know how?
  • Are you told to play in tune, but do not know how?
  • Are you told to co-ordinate, but do not know how?
  • Do you go from one teacher, to another?
  • Do you practice without progress?








Despite diligent practice, and instruction from master teachers, success isn't always guaranteed. Traditional pedagogical methods, effective for some, often fail to translate into widespread success for the many.

While the majority of candidates excel in early grade examinations, earning honours and distinctions, the number of candidate entries decrease as they advance to higher grades. By the time they reach fifth grade and beyond, results tend to lean more towards credits and passes.

For the few who persevere to diploma levels, grappling with the technical demands of their programme becomes a significant challenge. There are many No Awards. The elusive nature of technical talent persists as an unresolved mystery, casting a shadow over their performances.





Talent is the final frontier of music education. For many, it is considered a miracle from God. It creates a church of the fortunate few. Talent, however, is only a word, that has a very broad reference. That is why the research in this book focusses on only one aspect of talent, technical talent. 

Historically, teaching the "how to" of diploma level technique has been too vague in detail, in meeting the learning needs, of most candidates.





  • Once all technique is placed into an organised timeline, the missing intuitive techniques, associated with intonation, and co-ordination security are then easily identified. The "how to" of technique becomes self-defining, because there are no miracles in a timeline.
  • Virtuosic speed then comes from postural security, and physical invention, mirroring many techniques that are found in sport, and dance
  • Bowing techniques reference the forces of nature. 
  • Musical ideas start exactly at the now fully defined co-ordinated moment, and during the bow's follow through. 

There are no more technical miracles, just the fun of magic.


Buy the book, book a masterclass!


  • 你被告知要听,但不知道如何做?
  • 你被告知要按调弦演奏,但不知道如何做?
  • 你被告知要协调,但不知道如何做?
  • 你从一个老师那里转到另一个老师那里吗?
  • 你练习却没有进步吗?




La recherche sur le talent au violon
  • Êtes-vous invité à écouter, mais ne savez pas comment?
  • Êtes-vous invité à jouer juste, mais ne savez pas comment?
  • Êtes-vous invité à coordonner, mais ne savez pas comment?
  • Passez-vous d'un professeur à un autre?
  • Pratiquez-vous sans progresser?


Malgré une pratique assidue et des instructions de maîtres enseignants, le succès n'est pas toujours garanti. Les méthodes pédagogiques traditionnelles, efficaces pour certains, échouent souvent à se traduire par un succès généralisé pour beaucoup.  Historiquement, l'enseignement du "comment faire" des techniques de niveau diplôme a été trop vague dans les détails, ne répondant pas aux besoins d'apprentissage de la plupart des candidats.

Une chronologie définit la science détaillée du talent technique. Il n'y a plus de miracles, juste de la magie.



Badania nad talentem skrzypcowym 

  • Czy ci mówią, żebyś słuchał, ale nie wiesz, jak?
  • Czy ci mówią, żebyś grał czysto, ale nie wiesz, jak?
  • Czy ci mówią, żebyś koordynował, ale nie wiesz, jak?
  • Czy chodzisz od jednego nauczyciela do drugiego?
  • Czy ćwiczysz bez postępów?

Mimo pilnej praktyki i instrukcji od mistrzów nauczycieli, sukces nie jest zawsze gwarantowany. Tradycyjne metody pedagogiczne, skuteczne dla niektórych, często nie przekładają się na powszechny sukces dla wielu. Historycznie, nauczanie "jak robić" techniki na poziomie dyplomowym było zbyt mgliste w szczegółach, nie spełniając potrzeb nauki większości kandydatów. Harmonogram definiuje szczegółową naukę talentu technicznego.

Nie ma już cudów, tylko magia.